25 September 2020
Why we need accountability for those furthest left behind
25 SEPTEMBER 2020 – The year 2020 marks ten years of the Every Woman Every Child (EWEC) movement as well as the halfway point to the 2030 Sustainable Development targets, urging us to take stock of progress made in improving the health of women, children and adolescents around the world. COVID-19 has undoubtedly slowed progress that was already lagging by 20% prior to the pandemic.
The situation has called on us to fight collectively, and harder than ever, to ensure the right to health for all women, children and adolescents – and particularly those left furthest behind. But without accountability behind the strategies, action plans and goals, real change cannot occur, according to an op-ed published in Devex by IAP panelists Joy Phumaphi, Elizabeth Mason and Alicia Ely Yamin on behalf of the Panel as a whole.
According to the op-ed, accountability is not merely an option or a one-time action; it requires sustained commitment. It involves urgency, precision and a respect for human rights and dignity in order to drive change.
There is no time left to lose. The global community must forge a strong culture of accountability in order to stay on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Agenda, and for every woman, child and adolescent to finally realize their right to health and well-being.
Read the full op-ed here : https://www.devex.com/news/opinion-why-the-sdgs-defining-decade-must-focus-on-accountability-for-those-left-behind-98171Read all IAP’s articles here : https://iapewec.org/reports/journal-articles/Photo credit: Women wait for relief aid in Dhaka, Bangladesh, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by: Fahad Abdullah Kaizer / UN Women / CC BY-NC-ND
Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD
Профессор Гиорги Пхакадзе. #ПрофессорПхакадзе
Source: https://iapewec.org/news/opinion-why-the-sdgs-defining-decade-must-focus-on-accountability-for-those-left/